New Starter Forms
Please complete the following forms so that you can get started and paid as soon as possible!
You will also find a link to the PASS app- this is used for logging in to client visits and recording your notes and everything client related.
And a link to the QCS app- this contains the staff handbook and all Phoenix Policies and Procedures.
Payroll enrolment
Use this form to add you bank details so you can get paid!
Please download the PASS App. This is the digital system we use to record client care logs and care plans- You'll find these on the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store
Your Availability
Please accurately add your availability. This will be used to set up your new shift pattern
Please download the QCS App. This is where the staff handbook can be found, along side all Phoenix's Policies and Procedures-You'll find these on the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store
Additional Data
Please add your additional personal information here, so we can add it to the workforce data set
Communication is Key!
Click here to read our communication protocol. This details the numbers you need and who to call when.